Ocean Ridge Annual Meeting

posted 1/9/2025 – 2025 Annual Meeting will be January 18  at the Edisto Lions Club, 2907 Myrtle Street. Refreshments at 8:30, and meeting at 9 a.m.  We hope to see you there.

Hutto Lane information

posted 10/10/24 –

The two medians on Hutto Lane (near Jenkins gate) will be restored with new plantings beginning Tuesday Oct. 15. The project will take 2-3 days to complete. Along with new landscaping, the project will include the refurbishing of the drip irrigation system, slight reshaping of one of the medians, and the installation of pine straw to complete the project.

Please be cautious when using this area as there will be workers present.

Advisory Board Meeting

posted 10/7/24 – All MPOA members are welcome to join us at our next quarterly Advisory Council meeting, October 18, 1:30 pm, at the MPOA office located in the Civic Center.